NBA GAMETHREAD: Miami Heat (24-18) @ Orlando Magic (22-20)

This is our GAMETHREAD: Chat live about the game here!

Injury Report:

Miami Heat:

  • Jamal Cain (G-League) — OUT
  • R.J. Hampton (G-League) — OUT
  • Jaime Jaquez Jr. (groin) — OUT
  • Kevin Love (knee) — QUESTIONABLE
  • Dru Smith (knee) — OUT

Orlando Magic:

  • Gary Harris (calf) — OUT
  • Franz Wagner (ankle) — AVAILABLE

Starting 5:

Miami Heat:

  • Tyler Herro, G
  • Caleb Martin, G/F
  • Jimmy Butler, F
  • Nikola Jovic, F
  • Bam Adebayo, C

Orlando Magic:

  • Jalen Suggs, G
  • Caleb Houston, G
  • Franz Wagner, F
  • Paolo Banchero, F
  • Franz Wagner, C

Broadcast Info:

  • Tipoff: 6:00 PM EST
  • TV: Bally Sports Sun (Eric Reid, John Crotty)
  • Radio: AM 560 Sports WQAM & The HEAT Radio Network (Jason Jackson)
  • Spanish Radio: WAQI 710 AM & The HEAT Spanish Radio Network (José Pañeda)
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For everyone who has said “we have enough” I believe you are sadly mistaken. This team is like a rudderless ship, drifting with no clear direction and no clear goals.


That Hawks loss still stings more than this

Reality Czech


heat for life

same team as last year plus jaime jrich were ok


At least not a heartbreaker buzzer beater lol


i said it before, il say it again : trade everyone not named Bam

heat for life


heat for life

i want to see jjj back and ty traded for rozier

Reality Czech

lol! I guess one out of two ain’t bad. 😂😂😂😂

heat for life

orob at c bam at 4 top 15 coach huh make it work thats a legit front court dam it


Getting blown out by Orlando. The only good thing is maybe we can honestly assess this team now. We have been a little reluctant to see our team’s shortcomings. And, that is understandable after we did so poorly during the regular season last year and almost won it all. But, things change a lot in a year and yet there is a tendency to make a lot of excuses and not see the truth. I take no pleasure in a putting this team down, I love the Heat, but we have a choice to make, build things up for Jimmy’s last hurrah, or plan for the future. There is no middle ground unless you enjoy watching games like this.

heat for life

one meaningless game in januaryary w/o jjj chill means nothing

Reality Czech

3 losses in a row to beatable teams and falling to 7th most definitely means something.

heat for life

did jjj play

Reality Czech

If the Heat couldn’t win these last 3 games without Jaquez, there’s a MUCH BIGGER PROBLEM than you seem to think.

heat for life

its january who cares were ok .jimmy doesnt give a crape in january.we need him healthy for playoffs.were in a funk now need a jjj fix

Reality Czech

It will help, but more is required

heat for life

we were mediocre last year till playoffs ty got hurt and we almost won it all were fine its january 82 games to many

Reality Czech

A change is needed. Sorry if you can’t see that.


Of all the people who post, I would have thought you are the least likely to make excuses., This idea that these games are meaningless and we can just turn it on for the playoffs is usually not true. But, since last year happened, I guess people can live in their illusions all season this year. Need I remind you, two years ago it went very differently against the Bucks. The problem with your logic is if Pat really believes that, he may stand pat again, and that will be a mistake.


That’s what I think too. We got our butts beat by Toronto and Orlando, blown out. They are not top teams. We lucked out in OT against the Nets. Everyone else that is good is beating these teams and Atlanta too. Jeesh, it’s hard for some to accept reality .

heat for life

im 100% serious if jjj was back and we got our ass kicked last 3 games more of a concern then i say its january long fn season just get jimmy in playoffs with rozier and a 69 banger lets go its fn january.look at the dolphins best team first half year then they fizzled out .peak at the right time same team as last year plus jjj


It’s evidence of our relative standing to the other teams. Philly easily dispatched with the Magic a couple days ago. At some point we have to accept what we are and where we are. Only when you make an honest assessment can you improve. I know the truth hurts but at some point you have to face it.

heat for life

lowry in 4th or jim entering in 4th with 6mins left down by 20.a coach is only as good as his players.nobody gonna tell me a diff story.give spo detroits roster for 2 decades hes a top 15 coach

Reality Czech

Yup, as someone said, either the entire basketball community is wrong or you are. I know who i believe.

heat for life

we will make playoffs loooong season make a trade or two get jimmy ready for playoffs i know we could beat anyteam in east

heat for life

lets make our observations after jjj back

Reality Czech

Why? You make observations quarter to quarter, minute to minute. You’re an Egyptian (in de-nial) if you think the only issue is missing Jaquez.

heat for life

he makes ewverybody better he breaks u down

Reality Czech

You really don’t seem to comprehend – of course the team is better with Jaquez. Obviously.

heat for life

so wait the f for him to come back then panic were good just need jjj back

Reality Czech

The team needs more than just getting Jaquez back. To lose these last 3 games to mid level or lower teams is indicative of a bigger problem.

heat for life

need to trade ty for rozier and were good

Reality Czech

I wish we could bet real money on that. For me, it’d be like taking candy from a baby.

heat for life

we need an athlete to guard little ones current roster doesnt have that

Reality Czech

Has nothing to do with what I said. I’ve been a huge advocate of getting Rozier.

heat for life

phily moved up chose fultz over tatum lol

Reality Czech

Playing Lowry big minutes again in the 4th quarter. This is the definition of insanity!

heat for life

spos use of personnel

Reality Czech

I shouldn’t knock him – he’s scored his requisite 2 points.

heat for life

when he scores 0 we win f him need to score 0

heat for life

spo really gonna bring in jimmy


On cue

heat for life

ty n dunc just dont have the upper body strength to compete with modern day nba players jjj does


Turd extended

heat for life

dunc is being crowded now cant get open lately


I think we are finally getting a clear picture of what we have after a lot of the season it was obscured by injuries. Two way players, Bam, Jimmy, JJJ. Good on d, not enough offense, HH, Caleb, less so JRich, but still good. Good on offense, less so on defense, Ty, Dunc, less so on offense, Kevin. Bad both ways, Kyle. Not ready on either side of ball, Jovic. Riding the bench in Spo purgatory, ORob, Bryant. Unknown commodity but not likely enough offense to be a two way player, Cain.
We are short, don’t have enough. It is now a certainty even with Jaime back.


Need more two way players.

heat for life

think cain should be playing .hes better than hhorlando robinson should be playing seen enough of love.ty needs to be shipped out for rozier

Reality Czech

We’ll see. Or, more likely, we will not see Herro straight up for Rozier.

heat for life

jjj might be our best player not named bam .jim seems too old

Reality Czech


heat for life

game doesnt matter dont care until jjj is back

Reality Czech

All these games matter. Don’t wanna be in the play-in again.

heat for life

ty gets pushed 5 ft away and then jumps when hes 5ft away from defender too funny

Reality Czech

The Heat clearly need to make a move. Shaking up the roster might wake a couple of players up.

heat for life

cant judge w/o jjj

Reality Czech

You can’t. Like I said, this is more than just missing Jaquez. To be mostly healthy and down 20 to the Magic in the 4th? Give me a break.

heat for life

ty dunc lowry vs athletes dunno spo if thats a good idea


5 shot clock violations in one game for the heat wow ,the offense struggling

Reality Czech



Refs trash tonight

heat for life

the heat?



heat for life

if jjj was playing and we were getting boyed by the magic that would be worrysome


Turd showed up

heat for life

jjj will be back soon guys relax

Reality Czech

The Heat have bigger problems than just Jaquez being out. They should be doing much better against a team that is outshooting, out scoring, out hustling, and basically outplaying us.
Sure the Heat miss Jaquez, but it’s more than that at this point.


That was a flop


That was Minnesota TWolves Kevin Love.


Herro, bam, butler big 3 isn’t good enough or do we really miss jjj badly?

heat for life

bam jim jjj our big 3 ty shoots so much so ofcourse hes gonna score


Jimmy need to be more assertive

heat for life

he gets tired big


I think we do. He gives us another two way player, as we really only have two others. Everyone else is either a little or a lot deficient on one end or the other.


That makes sense


I hoped Caleb was vecoming a two way player but he has regressed some on offense.


Well that makes him more expendable to be packaged in a trade with lowry.


Props to this Magic team top 5 in defense but we won the first two matchup so you can still do this boys.

heat for life

u sure about that dont think so


Some of our weaknesses are on display tonite. This is how I thought we would look all season. So, I have to say I was wrong about our first 42 games. I thought we would be 18-24. On the other hand, I also did not realize how good Jaime was going to be. I believe we are seeing how much Jaime has helped us. It is surprising that a rookie has been that important, but he has.


Agree. But JJJ is not playing like a rookie, so that explains it.

heat for life

will always say this team better w/o ty

Reality Czech

Will always be wrong, as usual


How was that not a foul on Caleb smh

heat for life

jjj not playing well be fine

heat for life

get shnozic out spobot not nba ready


3 triples for Jimmy!


We are being overpowered and outrebounded. This small ball with Jimmy/Caleb/Highsmith playing the PF position does not seem to be working tonight. We cannot rely on K Love as the only true PF.
And we cannot play whole season with a single (and old) point guard. We are turning the ball over too much.
Hope for a better second half.


At least we one by a pt this quarter… thanks Caleb


Nice caleb, maybe you should of did that last game, but anyways i digress. We’re only down 2 shooting below 40 percent from the field.

heat for life

defense wins champs rather have hh on ct than dunc

heat for life

hh besides bam is our best defender


Only 2 point difference after such a bad half.


This a must win game

heat for life

4 good defenders on ct finally


And, we play better. You can have one ok defender, which Dunc and Ty are, but you can’t have any bad defenders, or two just ok ones. That’s my theory, and it’s why I talked trades, and why I want Ty as a sixth man, and why I don’t like seeing Kyle or Kevin doing anything more than spot minutes.

heat for life

ty and dunc are two of the worse defenders 30


Locksmith was sorely missed last game.

heat for life

take the fn laytup hh wtf

heat for life

play hh and caleb together d and athletes

heat for life

banchero or bam who u taking




Bamchero 😁😁😁


I like when HH in. Not everyone has to score to help. But, others, are useless if they don’t score, especially our elder statesmen.

heat for life

orl has no shooters

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